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it's like scrambled egg

imagination makes my brain works harder. Always, in a sec , in a minute, in an hour, my life is filled by own imagination. It doesn't look like a 'how does it feel if i were. . ' but my imagination is prefer to be pretended like scrambled egg , full of stories i created and they mix all together.. My stories are also like tangled yarn. You'll never find where the story start or when it ends. I keep it as short story without prolog or even epilog.

To make one story in my mind doesn't acquire too many things to do. Reflect the reality into a scene of your fantasy. I'm as the director, i'm as scripwriter, i'm the main character, and i'm the only who have the control how the story should be. I really don't know when exactly started this imaginative mind i only believe that this is the way how to control myself from insanity. I do enjoy being geek. Keeping my imagination alive.

take it easy , girl . don't cry ...

there are some things trouble me instead of letting me take a rest for a while. i know it was just me that pretend to be complex in this kind of holly things. i'm an immature person. when troubles face me and i don't have anything to defense , I would die. it's not like it's really near to the death by just trying to solve my problem. but sometimes , it works. feeling like dying and suffered and making a decision to surrender. i did it and after that the pain of giving up came. that was all i got after i let my desire to give in fill my mind.

but how the ways i can choose rather than face it and struggle ? i know it.

so, take it easy, girl . don't cry. don't make it be burden and bothering your way.

those inspiration on the sky ...

things won't be completed arousing our passion once they don't get any soul in the way they've been taken. Thank you to Earth for giving me such a beautiful skies to be memorized ....

Every sight of the earth is the painting for me. Everything could be drawn in every way we want.
do you know what is the biggest canvas around the world ? i called it "the sky". See? there's no border between one to the other side. And the paint ? it has clouds for white, rainbow for all colours.

when the last page comes ...

you never gonna stop in the traffic until you've got your last destination. there are so many ways to draw how human do their life in "humanic" part. having wasted my time in no condition, i got myself so terrific with how scary the life it is if we can compare it in such different point of view. each human has their own lifetime. who knows the duration of it ? no one. well, some people is granted by a "special" ability to guess the strange thing that might be happen but consider it with human's age, those abilities are nothing. people has no right for requesting their duration of life, even not a bit. it's just like you're reading a book and you want to sneak a peek the last page to know how the ending like , but for human's soul , you can't just do like that. the one that human can do is letting the pages pass until it stop in the last page. when you stop on the last page, you have been decided for your next destination.

well, can you imagine this earth as the trunks and we the human as the leaves in tree part ? it's similiar with that. leaves live with standing on the trunks and the trunks keep their life with the meals that leaves produced. the connection between those two has stuck in the way. no bargain. but leaves has a bit of differences instead of the trunks. leave hang on the trunks as possible as it can and soon for a reason, it must allow itself for falling apart. it's same as human and earth. there's a time for human to leave it. but each leave has its own way for falling to the ground. some leave fell when they started old and yellowish but the rest of them have to crash landed even they are still fresh green. the truth that they have to fall so tough is making me horrible. like a human, some of them die in their "time" but the rest of them leave the earth in such wrong time and something like that

i wrote this post not because i'm terrific about my life itself. no, i'm in usual condition though. i just had a little bit sadness considering how fast people whom i know had have their last page of life. in this early of september, i've lost two figures that i know. well, their are actually not included as my family but still, they had their own color that help me much. the thing that shocked me was i didn't have any feeling that they would be gone so fast. especially for my teacher. the last time i met him when we got lesson at friday, three days before the accident. and how ridicolous it was when we started to learn about the reincarnation, life and things about that ( we got religion lesson). and the new came to me at sunday in the afternoon. that was so frightening, my brain was blank and i did nothing. just clueless. i felt so guilty remembering everything that i've done. cheating in his class , chatting with loud voice, reading comic even in front of him, playing my mobile , talking behind him and my teacher still treating me and my friends good. but now , he's left and I've lost my chance to say sorry or even just a last greeting. we couldn't attend his funeral because it held on in malang. and of course we couldn't afford it. but for the last time, i just wanna give you my sincere farewell , my teacher. thank you for everything. see you at next life.


Bandar Lampung, 1 September 2010

Dear someone out of there,

I've tried to be better to you.
I've tried to surrender for you
I've tried to be blind from your egoistic
i've tried to be deaf from your poisonous words

I've acted like I'm the shield and you're the sword
I've acted like I'm the mom and you're the kid
I've acted like I'm the plague and you're the oasis
I've acted like I'm the dead one and you're the alive one

but why do I must to remember everything you have done to me ? No, thank you. Enough or i'd rather be killed if i must feel it once again. yesterday was yesterday. today is today. and tomorrow will be tomorrow. Now I'm pretending you're not insane and stop your grumbles. Thank you.

sincerely ,

someone inside of there

the meaning of flowers : ROSES

i love natural ways. and that's why i always admire all of flowers in this world. people usually confess their feelling with a very long long sentence until they know they've told it. but flowers make it simple. they can cut off all those long sentence into one word that has full of meanings. I love the philosophy of it. it's like every words that just keep in our throats can be replaced so easily by using the meaning of flowers.

i found out a website that shows every kinds of roses complete with its meaning. here it is the link : . there are so adorable kinds of roses that really amazed me . here they are :

1. Red Roses

Red roses convey a simple message: "I love you". This makes them the ultimate symbol of romantic love and the most popular choice on Valentine’s Day. Other meanings for red roses include desire, passion, courage, respect, beauty and sincerity. A red rosebud symbolizes purity and loveliness.

2. Coral Roses

Coral roses speak of desire and passion.

3. Lilac or Lavender Roses

Lilac roses reveal love at first sight or enchantment.

4. Orange Roses

Orange roses communicate desire, enthusiasm and fascination. They make an excellent choice for a new relationship that you wish to pursue further.

5. Peach Roses

Peach roses express gratitude, appreciation, admiration or sympathy. They can also convey sociability and friendship and send the message "Let's get together". A pale peach rose symbolizes modesty.

6. Pink Roses

In general, pink roses symbolize grace, gentility and happiness and express appreciation and gratitude.

7. Pale Pink Roses

Pale pink roses connote grace, joy, gentility and gratitude.

8. Light Pink Roses

Light pink roses suggest happiness and fun. Like all pink roses, they also convey admiration and appreciation.

9. Deep Pink Roses

Deep pink roses say "Thank you". They also express appreciation, admiration, sincerity and sympathy.

10. White Roses

Second only to red roses in popularity, white roses symbolize truth and innocence. They also represent silence, secrecy, reverence, humility, youthfulness and charm. You can use them to say, "You're heavenly", "I miss you" and "I’m worthy of you". A white rosebud symbolizes girlhood.

11. Yellow Roses

Yellow roses symbolize friendship and freedom, so are not specifically romantic roses. They convey congratulations, joy, gladness and delight. But they also promise a new beginning, say "Welcome back" and "Remember me", and can convey jealousy and caring. Yellow roses with red tips convey friendship and falling in love.

12. Dead Roses

Dead roses in any color convey "It's over!"

i don't know if there's more kind of roses but i don't post them. later, i'll make sure myself to post again others flowers. could you see how wonderful they are ?

my fairy land (?)

I usually have fun with my spare time in my own lil' sweet room. being friend with my simple laptie and the window which is shown the world outside. i always make my own fairy land in this own place. everything is made here. my notes, my tears, my joyfullness, my fake friend and whatever. i'm the one who build the rules. and i'm the only one who deserve to break those rules. in this narrow but full of sweet tasted fairy land, my wide and long story life begin.

my first life starts with a group of books. i love words. . without those , i'm nothing . from those i learn how to talk, from those i also fill myself with meaning. these things have poisoned me successfully for becoming a dreamer.


my window is like flat screen. i can watch everything outside. just like watching tv but there's no channel so i can't choose what i want to see. it controll itself, not me. i'm just a spectator , waiting for the next show which i never can expect before. but tell you the truth . the most beautiful part that my "flat screen" usually shows is the view of rain in the afternoon. that is my favorite show, no other things can take it out from my heart.


i miss that cute side

there is one step for every person in this. The step when they know something uncommon in their lives. The step where they learn to be the real man. And the step which they use to appriciate what love is for. Love is affection. Love is a warm color of life. When a father give a tight hug for his children , that is what people usually called. When a lil' boy looks after his puppy dog , his adorable attraction is what we also call as love. And when a couple confess their feeling each other there's nothing but they will just say i love you to each other.

In every single place in world is filled by a huge cup of love. Although each place has its own way to say it. But it has same meaning. The truth meaning of sweet affection.

Child is the one who has the sweetest love. They can convey their love easily and loudly. They are like strong witches but with sweet magic wand. They don't have any yellow streak. Saying such love and adorable magic spell. They are the only ones who have the purest love than the others. It makes us envious, isn't it? When the age is getting older and older and we started to change point of view. The cute side has lost, and i've missed it so much.


  • i have dreams. and i keep it so long since i was kid. everybody has own dreams to make it come true and so do I. I have a list of dreams that have been knock in my head's wall. but i recognized from long time ago that all of my dream will not be come true entirely. i know my dreams have been divided into two parts at least. the first is what I called the granted ones and the second is the ungranted ones at first. but since the life goes, i don't like the idea to call the second as ungranted things. i rather chose the postponed ones than the one i said first. I believe that it won't be imposibble if someday i can make it true. well i don't know what it's like but that like a surprise box that you'll never know what is inside. the thing that i should do is by letting it flow and emerge myself in the river named "life".
Dreams - The Canberries

Oh, my life is changing everyday
In every possible way
And my dreams it's never quiet as it seems
Never quiet as it seems

I know I've felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you
And then I open up and see
The person falling here is me
A different way to be

I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
And they'll come true, impossible not to do
Impossible not to do

And now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don't hurt me
You're what I couldn't find
A totally amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me

Oh, my life is changing every day
In every possible way
And my dreams it's never quiet as it seems
'Cause you're a dream to me, dream to me

  • yes i'm a dreamer. dreamer is not like a dork or whatever. and i'm not the only one in this world as a dreamer.
You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.
(John Lennon, Imagine)

I'm A Dreamer - Amber

Love, life, and laughter
Is all I believe
My savior is pure now
Because my lonely heart would plead
I never learned how to hold love
And stay strong to love
Now I close my eyes now
And I'm dreamin right were I belong!
Oh, Oh, Oh

Here we lie all alone and I'm a dreaming
Your as smooth as my soul its unbelieving
Now you see the me you got me feeling
I'm a feeling
I feel your hands on my lips
The heat of your body
whisper you love me, say you love me
please just love me, tell me never leave me
I'm a Dreamer [x2]
oh oh oh!!!
I am I a dreamer
I am I a dreamer

Love, life, and laughter
Is all I believe
My savior is pure now
Because my lonely heart would plead
I never learned how to hold love
And stay strong to love
Now I close my eyes now
And I'm dreamin right were I belong!
Oh, Oh, Oh

Here we lie all alone and I'm a dreaming
Your as smooth as my soul its unbelieving
Now you see the me you got me feeling
I'm a feeling
I feel your hands on my lips
The heat of your body
whisper you love me, say you love me
please just love me, tell me never leave me
I'm a Dreamer [x2]

Am I a dreamer
Am I a dreamer

Am I a dreamer
Am I am I a dreamer


fear is not something that is odd for me. I do believe all creatures in this world have their own fears. and i have them a lot. during my lifetime, there are so many kinds of fear that i've learned. i'm scared to be alone. i'm scared with ghost. i'm scared with opinions from other people about me. yes, i have quite many fears. people said, "life is nothing if you never know the fear itself. fear makes your move slow down but once you win against it, you'll be meaningful". i don't remember exactly where i've heard this words before but they were just like a fog interrupted my mind. I know it well.

fear is like a little sweet challenged thing once you make the road together with it , and become like a poisonous cake when you have separated way with it. fear is not real. fear pretends to be like a living creature and once you discovered it , fear is just one part of your thinking way. yeah, I've known it , felt the tense, and struggled to let myself out from its trap. sometimes i find myself get stuck, but there are some times i can kick it down. it was so estathic for me realize i've broken down that dummy fear. it made me so happy. so fear is not so scared until you find out the part that makes you fun to enjoy it . that's all for what i've learned.

weather .. weather ...

taken from :

the weather is better much than yesterday. and I could hear the bird's chirping that couldn't hear yesterday. yesterday, i just heard so many voices from the raindrops. that was pretty cozy but since 3 days I hadn't gotten the sunlight, i'm so amazed with the weather now. small fountain in my small garden streghten my will to enjoy this day. talking about weather, I'm a person who can be influenced so easy by the condition of weather. it can be summarize that every feeling/mood recognize with the weather that happened everytime in a day. a morning with lots of dew, a morning with the sun light smoothly, a morning with windy wind, a morning with drizzle over my window. all of them succeed to make my mood increasing and begin to love the nature. I love all of it. no doubt and no hesitance.

the june of my life

june in the sixth month of year
less sunray come to the ground
june in the sixth month of year
fall too much raindrops under clouds

grass, leaves, tree become wet
cause no blanket for them
me, myself, me see under the roof
cause everything looks so wonderful

june in the sky , june in the middle
take care of your water
springs all the way in earth
june in the sky, june in the middle
dances and sings like a fairy in the pond
pour some cheers and leave all guilt

june june june in the morning
throw away thousand teardrops of clouds
knock out the light and interupt the sun
but i'm still loving you
june june june in the afternoon
shows your gloomy face
hide the embrace turn out the magic
but i'm still loving you
still loving you

the adorable of june !

the time for declare

is there anyone know me better than myself ?

no one. no matter who you are and no matter where you are, i'm still standing here. perhaps you are just the wrong THING that is located between me and another part of me . but in your position, you've made yourself in pretty hard condition.I'm sorry but someone must end this idiot silly drama. so, i'm the who came in front and cut the filmstrip for myself.

sings a quiet words

My love is like RED, red rose
That's newly sprung in JUNE
My love is like a MELODY
That's sweetly played in TUNE

As fair ART thou, my boonie lass
So DEEP in love am I
And I will love these still, my DEAR
Till a'the SEAS going dry

Till a'thee seas gang dry, my DEAR
And the rocks melt wi' the SUN
And I will LOVE thee still, my dear
While the sands o'life shall run

And FARE the wheel , my only love,
And fare the a while !
And I will come again, my LOVE
Thou' it were ten thousand miles

by : Robert Burns

I just tidy up my wardrobe, when I found my old diary inside it. well, I'm coming back to the nostalgic moment. I don't remember I had ever written lots of poem inside it. and now i'm surprised with the writings which I found just now. and here that is. One from best poems that I collected. and I like this poem from ROBERT BURNS so much. No, I'm not in love although I posted this. I just wanna share this beauty of words that I like so much.

hardship and egoism

the heart is divided into two pieces now

the one is the hardship the other is a egoism

the one which is called hardship said , " can you tell me what pains that you had felt ?"

then I said, "I broke myself in such a kind of down mental with my own mind as the weapon..."

the hardship kept in silence and stare right into the egoism.

and the egoism told me, "I'd never saw someone like you . so reckless and useless. look me , i'm

here and you just said you broke your mental ??? how funny?? but that's your problem . not my

bussiness ."

hardship exhaled for a while and looks his partner then changed his sight to me .

"I'm the hardship in yourself. you don't seem you are in painful condition. you just runaway and

afraid with yourself. don't act like you are like this because of me."

i need to find myself.
i supposed to be like myself
i can't compare myself with others
i wake up and i'm still alive
and i learn to make me strong

ada waktu luang di antara jam bahasa indonesia dan kebetulan ada laptop yang bisa dipake
untuk nulis di blog ini. dan sekarang, detik ini ada dua orang iseng yang ngeliatin gua lagi ngetik2an di blog ini. alangkah isengnya anda berdua nak ?? nah, mereka berdua udah musnah tuh pergi ke kantin . jadi here we go .... kita mulai aktivitas nge-blog sekarang :D

jadwal untuk ulangan semester di sekolah gua udah mulai mendekati batas gak wajar. udah bisa dihitung hari kapan tepatnya kita semua mesti melototin kertas-kertas soal yang belum tentu bisa kejawab semuanya ( kebanyakan juga ngasal atau yang paling parah "nyontek" ). fenomena ini pasti bakal terjadi di setiap sekolah bahkan di seluruh indonesia. bisa gua simpulin : "sebelum kita ngerasain 'indahnya' liburan semester', kita ,mesti ngalamin peristiwa begadang 24 jam dengan kantong mata di atas batas kewajaran orang biasanya" .

otomatis mendekati ujian itu, jadwal guru-guru yang biasanya masih sering ngebolos sekarang berubah 360 derajat jadi guru yang semestinya . tapi masalahnya gua termasuk di antara murid yang udah kehilangan sebagian mood untuk meres otak apalagi pada bagian2 akhir semester.

dan keadaan mood yang kayak gitu selalu dateng pada saat pelajaran matematika di kelas gua . pertama : hawa di kelas gua itu panas banget , kedua : materinya bikin ngantuk, dan ketiga : pikiran udah mulai melayang. padahal kalo gua pikir2 materi dan gurunya itu masih wajar kok buat ngebikin suasananya kondusif . yeah, bahasa gua udah mulai menjijikkan ...

"bilang aja lo-nya yang males, bego " said devil in myself.

"gak kok, lo itu cuman lagi gak mood , jadi gak papa :D " shouted angel in myself.

"halah, apa bedanya coba ilang mood sama males . emang dasar lonya aja yang bego ..." said devil rudely .

dan ternyata devil nya menang . dan angel jatoh dari jurang dengan tulang rusuk yang remuk redam .

hoooraay, devil is the winner. *jijik amat sih gua ini ?*

dan sekarang dua orang iseng itu balik lagi ganggu gua . dan memaksa untuk ngasih alamat blog gua ... maaf aja deh ya kalo kamuorang jadi sakit mata gara2 baca postingan gua ini ..

well, that's all for this . nothing can make me having fun without doing my daily writting :D

saatnya kembali ke alam sadar . huh , geographic is waiting for me ... *sighed*

It was Called Love

in a silence , Ive become a human without voices.
time goes on, light in far distance, and life is stopping for a while
I in my confussion stare my eyes back
and at the final session i realized
in the days in the days, in the days in the days
my heart will blows away
on the light on the light on the light on the light
my tears will walk away
cause when I saw you , I felt one thing and I know it
it was called love .... love only for you

tulisan-tulisan di atas ini adalah hasil pemikiran gua sendiri. kadang-kadang kalo memang lagi mood-nya buat jadi melancholic drama, gua sering bikin2 kayak gini...
cerita dalam kalimat-kalimat di atas itu sama sekali gak ada dengan kehidupan gua yang sekarang. hanya sebagai coretan iseng gua yang gak penting semata ...

but , FYI , I love this ..
i've already made it as a song .. ahahhaha

one step at a time ....

One Step at a Time
by : Jordin Spark

Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting

We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you wished for
Could be or should be or would be yours
If they only knew

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting

We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
It's the pain that makes you stronger
The only way you get there
Is one step at a time

Take one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

lagu ini adalah lagu yang paling gua suka setahun kemaren. setelah tahu lagu ini, gua pasti tiap hari sempet dengerin lagu ini. pertama kali gua denger dan suka itu karena lagunya enak didenger. tapi sekarang setelah gua tahu liriknya itu seperti apa dan artinya apa, gua akan lebih suka lagi dengan lagu ini. ngena banget sama apa yang sedang terjadi dengan gua sekarang.

seseorang gak perlu jalan cepet2 untuk mencapai hal yang dia inginkan . cukup berjalan perlahan. selangkah demi selangkah namun pasti dan kelak jalan yang ditempuh itu akan membawa kita dengan sendirinya ke tujuan yang kita inginkan. gua percaya hal itu dan akan berusaha megusahakannya . amin . :D

Stars in the sky , where are you ??

akhir-akhir ini langit di atas rumah gua kelihatannya cerah banget . dulu sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu , yang ada di langit cuman awan2 hitam yang banyak banget. tapi minggu2 ini berasa banget kalo gua ngedongak keluar pasti diliat itu langit hitam kelam bertaburan bintang tanpa setitik pun awan yang ada. walaupun gua udah sering ngeliat pemandangan indah itu, tapi gua tetep aja ngerasa kagum banget dengan keindahannya. mungkin karena jarang banget bisa ngeliat langit dengan bintang ... well, that's such a kind of rare things for nowadays to me ...

waktu kecil, gua sering berimajinasi tentang kisah-kisah dongeng yang biasa gua denger tentang bintang2 di langit. waktu dulu lagi hits - nya si Barbie the movie, di salah satu bagian nya ada yang ngomong "orang yang telah meninggal dan mengasihi kita akan menjadi bintang yang paling terang di langit dan selalu menemani kita ketika kita merasa sepi" dan hal2 sentimentil lainnya. well, I'm a quiet sentimental person ... gua waktu kecil suka banget pura2 jadi putri dari kerajaan terus bikin2 cerita sendiri untuk diri gua sendiri :) . dan salah satu adegan dalam pikiran gua itu adalah ketika gua ada di atas balkon duduk ngeliatin bintang di langit. itu salah satu scene terbaik untuk bikin gua berimajinasi waktu kecil :P . mulai dari nonton barbie itu , gua mulai sering untuk nyempetin diri keluar rumah, duduk di teras sambil ngeliat ke atas. dan gua beruntung karena rumah gua lokasinya cukup strategis untuk bisa ngeliat bintang tanpa da halangan gedung2 tinggi ... how cozy it was .. i miss it ..

tapi , seiring kegiatan gua yang lebih banyak atau ( memang sok2an dilebih2in pdhl mah gk ada kerjaan :P ) , gua hampir gak pernah lagi bengong di teras rumah sambil ngeliat bintang2 di langit. kegiatan sekolah sekarang butuh waktu lebih lama dan gua biasanya baru bisa pulang kalo udah sore dan dua hari diantara seminggu itu gua mesti pulang lumayan malem karena ada les juga. kalaupun ada waktu kosong di malam hari lebih milih gua pake buat ngerjain tugas atau tidur lebih awal karena udah kecapekan...

tadi, barusan aja gua iseng nyempetin keluar rumah untuk ngeliat dan nyariin bintang ... tapi ternyata langitnya masih banyak awan mendung karena tadi sore juga hujan lebat . but , lucky me , masih ada bintang-bintang kecil yang masih kelap-kelip di langit :D . pengen sih moto langitnya tapi gak cukup ternyata berbekal dengan kamera hp. buram banget . makanya gak bisa gua upload di sini . :(

tapi sebagai gantinya gua mau ngasih liat poto yan gua ambil dari google yang gua kira bisa ngingetin lagi seperti apa sih langit dengan bintang2 yang dulu pernah gua liat

walaupun gak mungkin juga sih langitnya kayak gini juga :P

gua berharap mungkin kapan2 ada waktunya gua bisa nikmatin lagi pemandangan yang udah jarang ini ... nginget masa-masa kecil gua yang penuh dengan imajinasi2 khas anak kecil dan bakal lucu kalo gua inget2 lagi ...

euforia senin

hari ini tumben banget gua bangun agak pagian. tidur gua nyenyak banget dan pas bangun juga lebih enakan dari hari-hari biasa. lebih ringan gitu rasanya badan ini. mungkin karena kemaren gua kecapekan renang jadinya tidurnya itu enaak banget.

hari senin ini kelas gua jadi petugas upacara. gua gk kebagian jadi apa-apa , hasilnya gua cuman jadi penyumbang suara yang pas2an (jd paduan suara) huehehehe. karena gua bangun sekitar jam 5-an, gua jadi lebih santai. gak kayak biasanya, gua bangun pas jam 6 mepet sampe2 sarapan aja gak sempet. masih sempet deh bengong di depan tivi nonton berita. btw, dari berita itulah gua tahu ternyata tingkat kelulusan siswa SMA di Indonesia ini menurun tajam. and that means there are more student who didn't graduate this year than last year ! gua jadi merinding nih. untung gua masih ada 2 tahun lagi untuk ngerasain hal nyeremin ketika waktunya detik-detik pengumuman itu . huah ! di daerah gua baru hari ini pengumuman lulus apa nggak nya. jadi kerasa pastilah deg-degan nya anak kelas 3 di sekolah gua. mudah2an lulus semua deh ! amin ! :D

untuk ngindarin konvoi dari anak2 kelas 3 , sekolah gua nutup gerbang masuk mulai dari pagi. dan ternyata gua lagi apes hari ini karena bawa motor. bingung juga mau nitipin di mana , tapi untungnya di deket sekolah ada rumah yang rela dijadiin tempat parkir. walaupun mesti bayar 2000 per motor , banyak juga yang parkir di sana . dasar mas-mas nyari untung. tapi gitu2 juga, terbantu banget gua nya. :D

upacara senin nya ternyata gak jadi. gua sih seneng2 aja daripada mesti brdiri setengah jam dengerin amanat dari guru yang gak selesai2. tapiii, temen gua yang kebagian tugas jadi pemimpin upacara 10 kali lipat girangnya daripada gua. huehehhehe, dasar gak niat banget jadi pemimpin :D pas ngobrol2 buat ngisi waktu yang harusnya kepake buat upacara, temen gua denger2 katanya ada 10 kakak kelas yang lulus un. buset dah, makin banyak aja yang gak lulus UN tahun ini. padahal tahun kemaren cuman ada 1 orang aja. tapiiii, itu masih desas desus, jadi masih ada harapan ! :D

pengumumannya udah selesai, banyak banget kakak-kakak kelas yang tereak-tereak kesenengan. gua nya mah ikut seneng2 aja. :D . tapi diantara sorak sorai gembira itu, ada satu kakak kelas yang mungkin lagi dapet cobaan jadi satu-satunya yang gak lulus... gua ikutn sedih juga , ngerasain gimana perasaannya. gua cuman bisa berdoa supaya pas ujian ulangan ntar, kakak kelas gua itu bisa lulus . amin . :D

coret2 udah jadi budaya agaknya. di lapangan upacara aja udah banyak betul yang coret2an. baju OSIS putih nya udah ganti warna jadi mejikuhibiniu. ckckckck, ngeri amat dah. tapi kalo dipiki2 maklum juga sih. walaupun sebenernya ada sebenernya cara yang lebih efektif buat nyalurin kebahagiaan itu. btw, gua sempet juga ikutan tanda tanganin bajunya kakak kelas. (huehehehe, lumayan numpang ngotorin bajunya :P)

well, that's enough for today. banyak banget yang mau gua ceritain tapi gak mungkin kan gua terusin . lama2 bengkok juga jari gua ngetik segini banyaknya :D

hal yang gua pelajari hari ini :

  • euforia itu bagus tapi ada batasnya dan caranya yang benar
  • gua mesti lebih berusaha keras kalo mau dihargai (let's struggle for it !!!)
  • tertawa itu lebih menyenangkan ketimbang merengut :P
  • dan yang terakhir : "the one who often underestimate you is yourself, and the one who can estimate you is yourself again".
itu kata mutiara yag baru aja gua bikin tadi :P. kerasa banget kalo misalkan gua ini lebih sering nganggep rendah kemampuan gua dibanding nyemangatin diri gua sendiri untuk jadi lebih baik. gua sekarang belajar untuk percaya kalo gua lebih berusaha lagi , gua pasti bisa. so, go get it !!

si meong yang buat jantungan

hah , ini kisah yang baru-baru ini gua alamin. sebenarnya sih gak penting-penting amat, tapi apa salahnya diceritain aja kan ? kali kali aja ada yang punya pengalaman kayak gini juga ?? hehehe .

gua punya kucing. well, ralat dulu . sebenarnya lebih tepatnya orangtua gua yang punya kucing . gua nya mah palingan cuman bantuin ngisengin tuh kucing aja (brutal, i know) ... :P nama kucingnya itu Giga . kenapa dikasih nama GIGA ? jawabannya : gak tau . alasannya karena kakak gua yang sebenernya asal ngasih nama. well, giga itu sebenernya cuman kucing kampung yang tiba-tiba datang di suatu hari meang meong minta makan . karena udah sekali dikasih makan sama orang tua gua, si kucing ini keenakan dan akhirnya dengan sangat tidak resmi menjadi salah satu penghuni rumah gua . Giga ini dimanja banget ama orangtua gua. gak papa sih , asal gak ketuker aja mana yang anak mana yang hewan peliharaan . sesuai dengan kalimat "semakin dimanja semakin ngeladen", giga ini makin lama makin lupa sama identitas dia yang dulunya jadi kucing kampung.

banyak banget kerjaan-kerjaan seenak udel (emang kucing punya udel??) dia yang udah bikin gua mesti ngelus-ngelus dada melulu. mulai dari maunya makan makanan kucing yang harganya melebihi uang jajan gua seminggu nyampe seenaknya tidur di mana aja. pernah si giga gua pergokin lagi tidur di atas bantal gua. dan alhasil bantal gua penuh dengan bulu-bulu rontoknya.

dan baru-baru ini , gua nemuin giga di kamar gua tepatnya di sebelah meja belajar gua. pas gua liat gumpalan daging berbulu (Giga) yang keliatannya lagi tidur di kamar gua, langsung dah gua ninggalin film yang lagi seru-serunya demi nyamperin dia dan ngusir dia . tapi ada yang janggal .
pose dia tidur gak kayak biasa. padahal gua sering ngeliat dia tidur dan posenya itu ya ngelingker-lingker gimanaaa gitu. tapi pas gua pergokin itu beda. kaku banget. mana pas gua liat-liat dadanya itu gak kembang kempis kayak lagi napas.

rasa parno gua semakin menjadi. jangan-jangan si giga ini udah jadi mayat lagi ?? di saat itu , gua kaget banget. sejelek-jeleknya sifat giga kan gak mesti pergi secepet itu (ceilaah). pas gua udah jantungan ngeliat dia kayak gitu, eh tiba-tiba di ngulet-ngulet gak jelas. akhirnya gua sadar dianya aja yang gelo tidurnya udh kayak kucing mati . huh ! rugi gua khawatir ma dia .. :(

ini pose si giga waktu gua kirain udah meninggal. dia nempel lurus ke dinding
(kok sempet yah gua poto?) :D

padahal pas tidur dia itu kayak gini :

pose normal dia tidur

dan semenjak kejadian itu gua selalu lihat dia tidur dengan pose janggal gitu . kenapa ya ?? denger2 ada lho penyakit yang bikin kucing itu keliatan kejang pas tidur. jangan2 si giga ini punya penyakit kayak gitu ya ?? gak tau deh ....

coretan pertama dari si pencoret ...

hi !
ini blog pertama gua...
yah , masih dibilang sangat pemula dan pasti masih banyak aja kekurangannya .
tapi lama-lama kan bakal expert juga .. :D
alasan kenapa gua bikin blog ini gak lain karena gua pengen punya sebuah wadah "kecil" tempat gua bisa nulis unek-unek pikiran gua, apa aja yang gua alamin, dan apa yang gua rasain ...
maka dari itu kenapa gua namain blog ini sebagai "coretan-coretan kecil gua"

mungkin blog ini bakal lebih banyak jadi sarana curhat gua , tapi gak papa ya ? gua cuman mau saling berbagi cerita dengan semuanya ...

yep, cukup itu aja sesi perkenalan nya .
gua ,"si pencoret2 kecil" mau bilang salam kenal buat semua bloggers yg udah mau iseng dan gak sengaja baca blog ini .. hehehehe