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my fairy land (?)

I usually have fun with my spare time in my own lil' sweet room. being friend with my simple laptie and the window which is shown the world outside. i always make my own fairy land in this own place. everything is made here. my notes, my tears, my joyfullness, my fake friend and whatever. i'm the one who build the rules. and i'm the only one who deserve to break those rules. in this narrow but full of sweet tasted fairy land, my wide and long story life begin.

my first life starts with a group of books. i love words. . without those , i'm nothing . from those i learn how to talk, from those i also fill myself with meaning. these things have poisoned me successfully for becoming a dreamer.


my window is like flat screen. i can watch everything outside. just like watching tv but there's no channel so i can't choose what i want to see. it controll itself, not me. i'm just a spectator , waiting for the next show which i never can expect before. but tell you the truth . the most beautiful part that my "flat screen" usually shows is the view of rain in the afternoon. that is my favorite show, no other things can take it out from my heart.


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