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monotonous life? Hell no

doing something different than usual makes me even love for crossing a line. Not somehow i intend to become such a rebel by offering myself to do something unacceptable. No chance i'll do that. Well, when you have yourself in the middle of routines with always slightly interesting and more boring activities and you have to do that, who's person with stupid enough brain to do that?

Some people love to be tied by same thing. Wake up in the morning, making themselves readw to go to school or whatever, then go home, and then go to sleep. This cycle will never get the end. Yet i do really hope that doesn't pull me into its group. That creepies me. Having monotonous life is truly the last thing i wish to have. I don't want my life tastes in one way. True it can be bitter , however it changes into sweet then sour, turning back to bitter then sweet and so on. People called it as nano nano taste, didn't they?

That's why i looked so eager when dad asked me if i wouldn't mind to visit bandung by myself. Since i started to get dizzy when it came to school stuff, that offer was like gift sent from heaven. And now here am i , in bdg with maximum lust for exploring its malls.

a story will always be kept inside people's heart once it successfully chokes the readers into the deepest part of fantasy. When imagination takes a part , inside your mind there will be another world, and that's all yours. It's your right to demolish your dream of world and that's all up to your decision whether to build another fantasy.

A story starts in various situations. It can be in the middle, in the end and rewind the plot .